Research Roundup

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Law EnforcementCourts

Relief from Abuse Case Processing and Firearm Relinquishment

Data from the Vermont Judiciary is used to explore general case processing statistics of requests for relief from abuse and firearm relinquishment. The study also examines the processes to carry out the orders and how firearms are stored.

Law EnforcementCriminal HistoriesMental Health

Law Enforcement and Mental Health Encounters in One Vermont Jurisdiction

Data from one Vermont law enforcement agency is analyzed to explore the experiences of people who are high utilizers of police services. Their experiences are then traced further into the criminal justice system with judicial and corrections data.

Outcome EvaluationCorrectionsInterventions

Outcome Evaluation: DOC Risk Intervention Services

The DOC’s Risk Intervention Services use validated risk assessments to tailor the level of services administered to moderate-high risk incarcerated individuals. Researchers analyzed available data from 2016-2019 to explore the impact of Risk Intervention Services on recidivism.

VictimsRacial EquityLaw EnforcementCourts

Criminal Justice System Responses to Black Victimization

Black people in Vermont were more likely than White people to be the victim of violent crime between 2015 and 2019. This research explores the criminal justice system's responses to crimes involving Black victims using the Vermont Court Adjudication Database and National Incident Based Reporting System (NIBRS) data.

Alternative ProgramsRacial EquityCorrections

Equal Access to Alternative Programs

Researchers investigate whether access to Vermont's alternative programs may be related to racial disparities in the state's criminal justice system. Programs reviewed include Court Diversion, the Rutland County Treatment Docket, the Washington County Treatment Docket, and the Southeast Regional DUI Docket.

Criminal HistoriesCourts

Retrospective Study for the Use of the Arnold Public Safety Assessment (PSA)

The Arnold Venture's Public Safety Risk Assessment (PSA) intends to measure the risk that a person will fail to appear for court, engage in new criminal activity, or commit a new crime while out on bail. Researchers gained unprecedented access to out-of-state criminal history data to test the utility of the PSA in Vermont.